Box of Life Needs You
One box can save a life
Box of Life is registered with the State of Texas as a 501 c 3 number 83-1350349
We are a charity of extremely lucky people wanting to help those who are stuck in an unfortunate situation. The stores in Venezuela have no food or basic goods. It does not matter if you have money, there is nothing available for sale except through black market avenues profiting by the very government that is keeping the stores empty. Our mission is to get food and necessary supplies directly in the hands of people who desperately need it and live in a country where it is simply not available. Non-perishables, toiletries, and medications are some of our most common donations. Our goal is to provide items directly to those who need it, because without it
-an infection gets no antibiotics
-a senior goes without blood pressure medication
-a cataract surgery fails without proper aftercare drops
-a child dies of dehydration without an antidiuretic
-a diabetic dies without access to insulin
The people we support are directly in the trenches, spreading critical goods and traditions of charity that the country is losing with every passing day. The work we do creates a ripple effect of help. Join the cause, it's contagious!
You can create change by donating what you can, whether it be food, medicine or money, to help fill a box that will be sent to someone in need. Any amount helps, one more bar of soap or toothpaste is one we didn't have without you.
Go to the Donate button in the About section above to be redirected to our donation site.
We are always looking for people to help us find deals, coupons and donations as well as preparing boxes for shipment. Donating your time is an equally valuable gift and helps us do what we do much more efficiently.
If you are simply too busy to be able to carve out time to volunteer, and the pocketbook and pantry can't spare anything, you can still help us! So much of the work we are able to do comes from people knowing we are here. Like and share our pages and posts, and talk about us! Your help is just as valuable.